Book now your holidays with the whole family in Sicily; the sea of the Aeolian Islands with our Charter: charter the catamaran, it’s easy and carefree. Choose the week you want for an unforgettable summer!

The Aeolian Islands have a great history

Landing in one of the pearls of the Mediterranean Sea is an amazing experience rich in history! Even in the Greek period the Archipelago represented a meeting point between the Tyrrhenian (Etruscans), Phoenicians (Carthaginians) and Greeks (both of Greece itself and of Magna Graecia and Sicily, with particular links to the cities of the Strait and Syracuse). The rich necropolis of Lipara have returned vases and materials imported from Greece (from Corinth, Athens and Ionia) and sumptuous local productions. Of particular interest are both the terracottas (theatre masks and votive pinakes) and the vase productions in the 4th century characterized by craters imported from Sicily and Campania and in the 3rd century by a valuable local production with rich colors.

During the First Punic War the islands were the scene of clashes between Rome and Carthage and Lipara was conquered by Rome in 252. In Roman times the Aeolian Islands became centres of commerce of sulphur, alum and salt, wine and garum. Also in this case the rich goldsmithery and grave goods with glass vessels and fragments of sarcophagi and funerary statues show a good standard of living, probably connected to the spread of the senatorial latifundium.

A bit of Lagoon 42… browse some of the photos we have selected for you!